always talking

In this modern world, activity and movement are the default modes, if not with   our bodies then at least with our minds, with our attention. We rush around all day, doing things, talking, emailing, sending and reading messages, clicking from browser1 tab to the next, one link to the next.


We are always on, always connected, always thinking, always talking. There is no time for stillness — and sitting in front of a frenetic computer all day, and then in front of the hyperactive television, doesn't count as stillness.


This comes at a cost: we lose that time for contemplation, for observing and listening. We lose peace.


And worse yet: all the rushing around is often counterproductive. I know, in our society action is all-important — inaction is seen as lazy and passive and unproductive. However, sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all. You can run around crazily, all sound and fury, but get nothing done. Or you can get a lot done — but nothing important. Or you can hurt things with your actions, make things worse than if you'd stayed still.


And when we are forced to be still — because we're in line for something, or waiting at a doctor's appointment, or on a bus or train — we often get antsy, and need to find something to do. Some of us will have our mobile devices, others will have a notebook or folder2 with things to do or read, others will fidget. Being still isn't something we're used to.


Take a moment to think about how you spend your days — at work, after work, getting ready for work, evenings and weekends. Are you constantly rushing around? Are you constantly reading and answering messages, checking on the news and the latest stream of information? Are you always trying to Virtual Desktop Get Lots of Things Done, ticking off tasks from your list like a machine, rushing through your schedule?