sometimes one survived and was blasted


He was interrupted by the bleeping of one of the phones on his desk. Then two serviced apartment hk , then three. A giant viewscreen crackled into life on the wall behind him.
Root jabbed the speaker button, putting all the callers on conference.
'We've got a runner.'
Root nodded. 'Anything on Scopes?'
Scopes was the shop name for the shrouded trackers attached to American communications satellites.
'Yep,' said caller two. 'Big blip in Europe. Southern Italy. No shield.'
Root cursed. An unshielded fairy could be seen by mortal eyes hk apartment finder . That wasn't so bad if the perp was humanoid.
'Bad news, Commander,' said the third caller. 'We got us a rogue troll.'
Root rubbed his eyes. Why did these things always happen on his watch? Holly could understand his frustration. Trolls were the meanest of the deep-tunnel creatures. They wandered the labyrinth, preying on anything unlucky enough to cross their path. Their tiny brains had no room for rules or restraint. Occasionally one found its way into the shaft of a pressure elevator. Usually the concentrated air current fried them, but  to the surface. Driven crazy by pain and even the tiniest amount of light, they would generally proceed to destroy everything in their path.
Root shook his head rapidly, recovering himself.
'OK, Captain Short. Looks like you get your chance ICT Provider HK. You're running hot, I take it?'
'Yes, sir,' lied Holly, all too aware that Root would suspend her immediately if he knew she'd neglected the Ritual.
'Good. Then sign yourself out a side-arm and proceed to the target area.'